Waymakers is a nonprofit organization and resource helping people find their way. Whether directing youth offenders, helping sheltered children get back on track, unifying troubled families, resolving community conflicts or empowering victims of violence and crime, Waymakers clears the path so clients can advance beyond crisis.

The Orange County District Attorney's Office is committed to enhance public safety and welfare, to project and respect crime victims, and to create security in the community through the vigorous enforcement of criminal and civil laws in a just, honest, efficient and ethical manner.

The Orange County Probation Department serves the community using efficient and research supported corrections practices to reduce crime, assist the courts, promote lawful and productive lifestyles and assist victims.

NOTE: This is an old example of the OCHTTF's Memorandum of Understanding. We are currently revising policies and procedures to better align with promising practices on functional partnerships and well-established community collaboration that helps meet the OCHTTF's mission.
If you are interested in collaborating with us, please review the OCHTTF Memorandum of Understanding. Any organizations listed on the website, events calendar, or included in mailing list announcements require a signed agreement by both parties.
The OCHTTF collaborates with approximately 60 governmental and community based organizations. The working relationships are in both formal and informal settings.
Valuing the benefits of collaboration means:
Knowing you can't end human trafficking alone. Increasing the support network is for the vitality of all.
The importance of prevention, aftercare and future sustainable development practices for a safer community.
Consistency in the mission philosophy of the OCHTTF to assist victims and survivors in a victim-centered and trauma-informed approach model.
Collaborative efforts between governmental and non-governmental, law enforcement and community are vital.
Everyone has a part in the work that will require actual work. Be prepared for change, innovation and forward thinking.
Where does your organization and work fall in this spectrum?