How can my school and students participate in this event?
This event is for 7th and 8th grade students in Orange County only. If you are interested, please contact Linh Tran, Task Force Administrator at stating your school name, district, point of contact and estimated number of students.
What does my school have to provide and be responsible for?
The event is at no cost to the schools, parents and students. Lunch will be provided for all students, teachers and volunteer chaperones. Schools will be responsible for providing bus transportation to and from the event at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa and any costs related to substitute teachers.
Is this event supported by the Orange County Department of Education?
Yes. The Orange County Department of Education is a collaborative partner with the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force and Global Center for Women and Justice at Vanguard University for the Ensure Justice Conference on human trafficking education for the community and teachers.
Will there be mental health support provided at the event?
Yes. Trigger warnings will be announced before the event starts and designated therapists, advocates, and a quiet room will be provided for students who may need to step away. A therapy support dog will also be on site to provide comfort.
Will the event and presentation be teaching students about sex?
No. This event will not be teaching students about sex education, sexual orientation, gender, safe sex, contraceptives, etc. However, topics related to sexual health and relationships, such as sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, pornography, and human trafficking for the purposes of prostitution are covered to provide students the knowledge and skills to better protect themselves and their friends from the harms of sexual violence and to seek help.
What does California Healthy Youth Act require on human trafficking and does this count as sex ed class?
In 2016 California adopted new standards for comprehensive sexual health education. Included is the mandate to provide all students in middle school and high school with information about sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual abuse, and human trafficking, including: (A) Information on the prevalence, nature, and strategies to reduce the risk of human trafficking, techniques to set healthy boundaries, and how to safely seek assistance. (B) Information on how social media and mobile device applications are used for human trafficking. (C) as well as local resources for assistance with sexual assault and intimate partner violence. The event will not replace a comprehensive unit on sexual health. Concepts like reproduction biology, STIs, contraceptives, sexual orientation, etc. will not be covered. It will however, introduce students to concepts of human trafficking, sexual exploitation, the dangers of social media, and skills needed to avoid exploitation.
How can my organization be part of the resource fair for the students?
If you are a local organization in Orange County that provides resources for youths that are age appropriate for middle school and interested in participating in the resource fair and student engagement activities, please contact Brandi Velez, Task Force Administrator Assistant at
What else can schools and teachers do about prevention after this event?
Normalize the conversation about human trafficking and exploitation with a prevention curriculum inside the classrooms provided by Higher Ground and Live2Free, so that it feels less scary for students to speak up and they know there is an immediate safety net all year-round, and not just one time a year. Educate school staff, especially school counselors and mental health professionals, health and P.E. teachers, and McKinney Vento Liaisons about the signs of grooming, sexual abuse and exploitation, and how to help a child who is at risk. Learn more at and
Is this event open to the public to come observe and learn?
This event is closed to the public. If you are interested in coming to observe the event to learn more on how to can replicate this in your county or a new middle school or school district in Orange County that would like to watch it before you participate with your students, then you can contact Linh Tran, Task Force Administrator at